12:10 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Dear all,

Today i would like to share you a state of mind i believe we should have in difficult moments of our life. If you have never failed you probably do not know what is coming next. Is a great opportunity to learn how to move on, explore other possibilities, make yourself better, develop your skills, methods and plan.

You lost a penalty, you make constantly wrong passes, your coach and teammates do not trust you any more, you are a coach and you are loosing match after match, your tactical methods and philosophy seem it does not work? What do you thing you need to do? Give up? Give in? or Give it all? 
You need to keep going, you keep going "until you win". Don give up! 
The opinion of others do not have to be your reality. You have an opportunity to succeed. 
The only thing you have to do is to see that opportunity and find the way to score the goal, to make good passes by correcting your technique, to develop your tactical thought, find the appropriate position for each player you have and adapt your game in a new, developed coaching philosophy. Believe in yourself so others believe in you.

See below some of the more important humans came to this planet and show to us how to gain succeess through failure.

My positive & lightening regards

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